Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

Slavery and human trafficking remains a real concern for our global society. We all have a responsibly to be alert to the risks, however small, in our business and in the wider context of what we do as a creative agency. As part of our safeguarding policies and procedures, all staff are expected to report concerns, and our management team are expected to act upon them.

Our Organisation’s Structure and Business

We are a creative agency working worldwide.  We provide services with everything from website, logo and poster design through to software development.

Our Supply Chains

Our supply chains include our software developers and other employees based offshore, as well as UK based supplier. 

Our Policies on Slavery and Human Trafficking

As part of our safeguarding policies and procedures, we are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in any part of our business. We have included articles from the Slavery Act 2015 to reflect our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships, and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in our supply chains.

Due Diligence Processes for Slavery and Human Trafficking

As part of our initiative to identify risk, we build long standing relationships with our suppliers, funders and businesses and make clear our expectations of business behaviour. With regards to national or international supply chains, our point contact is preferably with a UK company or branch and we expect these to have suitable anti-slavery and human trafficking policies and processes in place. We have in place systems to encourage the reporting of concerns and the protection of whistle blowers.

Supplier Adherence to our Values

We have a zero-tolerance policy to slavery and human trafficking. We expect all those in our supply chain and companies to comply with our values.


To ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our business, we provide training to all members of staff.

This statement is made to identify the legislation contained in section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our group's slavery and human trafficking statement for the current financial year.